
保单号码: 10.8

政策部分: 研究

修订日期: 2019年12月16日

1. 定义


2. 政策声明

作为接受赞助商资助的条件, the University is obligated in its role as primary recipient to comply with 联邦, 状态, 以及地方法规. If the University makes a Subaward to assign responsibility for conducting a portion of the work required by an Award to a Subrecipient, the University remains responsible to the Sponsor for managing Funding and meeting performance goals. 因此, 监测与次级受援国有关的技术和财务活动是联合国大学资金管理工作的一个组成部分.

3. 本政策适用范围


4. Subaward需求

所有分奖项必须是书面文件, negotiated by the Office of 研究 and Graduate Studies and must document the terms of the Subrecipient's responsibilities regarding:

  1. 成本核算制度;
  2. 承诺的最高资助金额;
  3. 物业管理(如适用);
  4. 技术性能;
  5. 履行期限;
  6. certifications of status under and compliance with the Award; and
  7. 报告.

5. 角色和职责:首席研究员/项目主任

  1. 首席研究员/项目主任将与研究和研究生办公室以及赠款和合同会计办公室合作,监测次级接受者的方案和财务活动,以确认:
    1. proper stewardship of funds; and
    2. 业绩目标的达成情况(工作范围或具体目标).
  2. 首席研究员/项目主任必须遵循大学的程序,在子奖励履行期间和子奖励结束期间监测子收件人的合规性。首席研究员/项目主任负责确定子奖励的必要性,并提供选择子收件人的理由. 首席研究员/项目主管的原始提案必须包括单独的工作说明和每个提议的子奖项的项目预算.
  3. The Principal Investigator/Project Director is responsible for monitoring the progress of Subrecipients’ scope of work. This process includes a combination of informal progress 报告 via phone conversations and/or face-to-face discussions, as documented by recordings in a journal or other written summaries; e-mail communications; and/or more formal technical 报告 or other deliverables due on specific dates. 技术进度审查和验收由首席研究员/项目总监在从分包方收到的发票上签字记录.
  4. When the Principal Investigator/Project Director has an interest in or a relationship with the Subrecipient entity, 按照学校政策1的要求进行管理.3、利益冲突和/或大学政策.7、外部资助研究的财务利益冲突,如适用.
  5. 研究和研究生办公室有责任在提交提案之前对提案进行审查,以确保次级奖励安排在主要奖励中得到适当的预算.
  6. The Office of 研究 and Graduate Studies will prepare the final Subaward with all attachments. 在颁发分奖项之前,将进行风险评估. The Office of 研究 and Graduate Studies will ensure that agreements executed with Subrecipients are accurate, 完整的, 并符合主要奖项. When the Subaward involves 联邦 Funding, The Office of 研究 and Graduate Studies will:
    1. 在SAM查阅被取消资格和暂停资格(被排除在外)的当事人名单.政府或后续网站, to ensure that the Subrecipient is eligible to receive 联邦 contracts or assistance;
    2. ensure that the Subrecipient meets Federal audit requirements; and
    3. 确保次级接受者拥有联邦批准或符合联邦财产法规的财产控制系统, 除非有特殊条款和条件豁免.
  7. The Office of 研究 and Graduate Studies will append Subrecipient compliance 报告 to the Sponsored Project’s 行政 file.

6. 角色和职责:研究和研究生办公室

研究和研究生办公室将核实和记录, 有适当的证据, 分接收方的合规性:

  1. 当Subawards执行时;
  2. prior to payment of each invoice; and
  3. 在所有分奖的分奖闭幕式上.

7. 角色和职责:赠款和合同会计

  1. 提交Give赠款和合同会计的分包付款发票必须由首席研究员/项目总监签署,证明规定的赞助项目工作范围正在(或已经)按照分包工作说明书中的规范和时间表完成, 以及由负责研究诚信和运营的助理副总裁证明对分接受方遵守审计的审查令人满意, 行政, 和监管条款.
  2. Grant and Contract Accounting will perform a secondary review of all approved invoices to ensure they meet budgetary restrictions. 在必要的时候, additional documentation may be requested from the Subrecipient to ensure unallowable costs do not exist. 此类文件可能包括但不限于以下内容:
    1. 工资记录;
    2. 已付发票副本;
    3. Descriptions of 服务 performed; and/or
    4. 旅行文档.
  3. Copies of signed invoices shall be included in the Sponsored Project's accounting file.

8. 分得奖人奖项的结束

  1. 研究和研究生办公室必须在分奖励期结束后立即开始分奖励结束行动. 分包结账要求必须包括:
    1. 收到最终发票;
    2. 收集所有需要的可交付成果(技术/进度报告), 发明专利/文档, 设备报告, 等.) to be provided by the Subrecipient and final verification of technical completion by the Principal Investigator/Project Director, indicated by the Principal Investigator/Project Director’s signature and date on the final invoice; and
    3. 完成对分接受者向大学收取的费用的任何必要的最终审查,并完成所有承诺的最终分奖励结清, 应计费用, 或应付款项.
  2. 在子奖项结束过程中, 研究和研究生办公室以及首席研究员/项目主任将遵守颁发分奖项的奖项结束要求. 在一般情况下, a Subaward is closed when it has expired and/or when final technical deliverables are received and financial matters are concluded.

9. 相关政策及文件

  • 大学政策1.3、利益冲突
  • 大学政策10.1、赞助的研究和活动
  • 大学政策10.外部资助研究中的经济利益冲突
  • 研究手册


“奖” 意味着 a Grant, subgrant, Contract, subcontract, or Cooperative Agreement that provides for Funding.

“合同收尾” is the process of documenting and assuring the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the Award, of certifying University compliance with applicable regulations and making final disposition of all Award by-products, 比如期末凭证, 报告, 专利信息披露, 财产清查, and the collection of outstanding accounts receivable and addressing deficit or residual balances.

“合同” 指大学和赞助商之间的法律上可执行的协议,当主要目的是为了赞助商的利益向赞助商交付财产或服务时,该协议提供资金, 除了研究, 教育, 或为大学提供服务.

“合作协议” 指大学与赞助商之间的法律上可执行的协议,当赞助商与大学在赞助项目的执行过程中预期发生实质性互动时,该协议提供资金.

“努力” 意味着 the time spent on Sponsored Projects and all other activities for which an individual is compensated by the University. 参见大学政策10.15、赞助项目成果报告.

“授予” 意味着 a legally enforceable agreement between the University and a Sponsor that provides Funding when:

  1. the Sponsor has no expectation of delivery of a specific product or service other than a final written report;
  2. no substantial interaction between the Sponsor and the University during performance is anticipated; and
  3. the agreement contains general terms and conditions that stipulate a period of performance and minimal 报告 requirements.

“融资” 指资助项目的资金支持, 包括钱, 财产, 服务, 或者任何有价值的东西来代替钱.

“首席研究员/项目总监” 意味着 the individual solely responsible for technical conduct of a Sponsored Project, 与主办方的技术联系, 获资助项目的开支, 履行技术表现和报告义务. "Principal Investigator” (PI) includes an individual designated in an Award as "Project Director" (PD), 在履行首席调查员的职责时, 或其他履行首席调查员职能的个人. 在奖项有效期内, 首席研究员/项目主任必须是全职员工, 终身或, 终身教职员工, 研究教授, 研究副教授, 研究助理教授, or, 经教务长或其指定人员批准, 非终身教职, 根据大学政策2任命的非终身教职人员.3、教师职级、职称和投票权.

“建议” 意味着 the document submitted to a Sponsor requesting Funding for a Sponsored Project which includes, 但不限于, (i) 金融义务, 监管义务, 报告义务或会计义务, 如“赞助项目”所述, (ii)工作报告和(iii)预算.

“研究手册》 是指研究和研究生办公室保存的文件,其中规定了提案的当前程序和要求, 验收, 执行, 并监督赞助项目.

“赞助商” 指向大学提供资金的任何外部实体. 保荐人可能是(i)政府机构(例如, 联邦, 状态, or local governments or their 行政 organizations); (ii) nonprofit organizations (for example, 大学, 非营利性公司, 基金会, or associations); (iii) for profit organizations (for example, 公司, 合作伙伴关系, 独资企业, and other business entities); or (iv) individuals.

“资助项目” 指所有项目, 项目, 研究, 培训, 公共服务和其他通过向大学提供赠款或通过大学与赞助商之间的合同或合作协议获得外部资金的活动, 当下列一项或多项义务适用时:

  1. 金融义务. 当赞助商为工作声明中描述的服务表现或产品交付提供资金时,大学必须遵守所施加的条件;
  2. 监管的责任. 大学必须遵守赞助商的规定.
  3. 报告的义务. The University is required to provide to the Sponsor technical performance 报告 or regulatory or 行政 报告; or
  4. 会计责任. 大学必须建立单独的赞助项目支出会计记录,以证明成本的可容许性, 维持财务问责制, 向保荐人作出财务报告, 并保留适当的记录以备审核.

“工作说明” 指提案或奖项中描述将承担的具体工作和将由赞助项目生产的产品的组成部分. 如果是次级奖励, “工作说明” describes the specific work to be undertaken and the products that will be produced by the Subrecipient.

“Subaward” (如果主要奖励是授予,也称为次级授予), 分包合同(如果主要授予是合同或分包协议)意味着正式的合同, 大学与合格组织之间的二级协议,以执行由奖项资助的项目的实质性部分. The term also includes subawards made by a Subrecipient to a lower tier Subrecipient.

“Subaward收尾” is the process of documenting and assuring the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the Subaward, of certifying Subrecipient compliance with applicable regulations and making final disposition of all Subaward by-products, 比如期末凭证, 报告, 专利披露和财产清单, and the collection of outstanding accounts receivable and addressing deficit or residual balances.

“Subrecipient” 指获得次级奖励的法律实体,该法律实体对大学在执行赞助项目下大学计划工作的一部分所提供的资金的使用负责. 这个词可以包括高等教育机构, 其他非营利组织, for-profit organizations and foreign or international organizations (such as agencies of the United Nations), 如果得到主办方的批准.

“大学政策” 意味着, 就本政策而言, all University Policies included in the 大学政策手册 and all other 程序, 的指导方针, 以及《威尼斯人娱乐城》中所列的研究和研究生办公室以及赠款和合同会计办公室的要求, 还有程序, 的指导方针, 以及大学各学院的要求, 学校, 部门, 中心, 研究院, 和部门.

修改后: 2019年12月16日

采用: 2015年1月15日

The official 大学政策手册 is housed in the Office of the University Secretary. The University Secretary is responsible for maintaining new and updated policies and for maintaining this website. 官方的大学政策手册是否与任何内部政策冲突, 程序, 部门管理规章, 或指导方针, 这可能包含在学校提供的手册中, 部门, 或大学内部的部门, 官方的大学政策手册控制.