
新加坡管理大学考克斯分校的录取是非常挑剔的. 就像你通过上学来投资你的未来一样, we invest in ours by admitting top applicants to join the SMU Cox community.


In order to be considered for admission into the 考克斯商学院 for your Bachelors of Business Administration, students applying to SMU must indicate a business major as their first choice academic interest on their application. Students must be admitted to the business school in order to pursue a business major. Admitted students will qualify as either a BBA Scholar or a Business Direct student. 而这两组学生都将被商学院录取, BBA学者 will also receive a supplemental scholarship from the business school. Students will automatically be reviewed f或者是 BBA scholars program provided business is listed as their primary academic interest on their application and do not need to submit a separate application f或者是 scholar program. 

All applications will be processed through the main SMU 本科入学 办公室. 录取是高度选择性的, but holistic in nature with an emphasis on a student’s academic performance. Students will be notified of their Cox admission decision after they receive their acceptance to the University. 如果学生没有被考克斯录取, they are still eligible for acceptance to the University if they indicate a non-business academic interest on their application.

新加坡管理大学目前是一所不需要考试的大学. You can elect to send your ACT or SAT scores, should you choose to take those exams. The admission committee weighs many factors beyond test scores during the course of the application process, 包括课堂表现和GPA, 高中课程的严格性, 论文和推荐信的质量, 还有课外活动.



January 15th: Regular Decision and Early Decision II admission deadline for priority consideration for merit-based scholarships.





Students wishing to transfer to SMU and study business will need to apply to SMU first, and then apply for admission to the business school during the spring semester. Only students first admitted by SMU will be reviewed for admission to Cox. 考克斯商学院的申请可以通过联系 新大本科招生办公室 或者是 工商管理硕士招生办公室. The business school will only review transfer applications for Cox after the end of each spring semester, and all Cox applications must be submitted by June 1st for external candidates. Final transcripts for external transfer candidates must be sent to the 新大本科招生办公室 in order for Cox to release a decision. Applicants must have 24 post high school graduation credit hours by the end of the spring semester in which they apply, 最小值是3.在春季学期结束时,全学院的平均成绩是5分. Preference will be given to students who have taken microeconomics, macroeconomics, and calculus. If a student is not admitted following their first application to the business school, they will choose a major from one of the other academic schools at SMU and can pursue a minor in business. 


Current SMU students who seek to change their major to business or add a business major, will need to apply through the internal transfer admission process facilitated by the BBA入学 办公室. 

The 考克斯商学院 Internal Transfer application is released in mid-March and can be accessed by contacting the 工商管理硕士招生办公室,必须在2025年5月19日(周一)之前提交. 考克斯商学院只接受秋季入学的学生. 

A committee of Cox faculty members will review students each spring for a select number of spots available in the 考克斯商学院. 该委员会将权衡包括当前GPA在内的许多因素, 所修的课程, 校园的参与, 以及学生首次申请新大的材料. 申请人必须至少有24个高中毕业, all-college credit hours* by the end of the spring semester in which they apply.

学生还必须至少有3个.在春季学期结束时,全学院的平均成绩是5分 in order to be eligible for review, 尽管被录取学生的平均绩点通常更高. The average all-college GPA of students admitted in the Fall 2024 internal transfer cohort was a 3.9.

Students must apply during the first spring semester they are a student at SMU. Preference will be given to students who have taken microeconomics, macroeconomics, and calculus. 

If a student is not admitted following their first application to the business school, they are not permitted to apply again and they will pursue a major from one of the other academic schools at SMU and can choose to minor in business. Students must apply during the first Cox internal transfer admission cycle upon completion of 24 post high school college credit hours.

*Students who were admitted as a Spring Entry student and took a gap semester before beginning at SMU can apply with less than 24 post high school credit hours but must have a minimum of 12 post high school credit hours completed at the end of the spring semester.

Students are not eligible for review if they delay submitting their application in order to meet the minimum requirements the following year. Any student who does not meet the requirements for review at the time they should apply will pursue a major from one of the other academic schools at SMU and can choose to minor in business. 


本科商业教育是一种投资, 考克斯学位为获得高投资回报率铺平了道路. 校园里有很多奖学金机会. The BBA入学 办公室 only offers 优秀奖学金 for first year students invited into the BBA学者 program. 所有申请新大的学生都有资格获得额外的奖学金 优秀奖学金 通过 新大本科招生办公室. 基于需求的援助可以通过 新大财政资助 办公室.


The best way to find out if Cox is the right school for you is to visit us in Dallas. 你可以安排一个信息会议和参观 新大本科招生网站. 在秋天,我们提供我们的 考克斯的焦点 活动,让您深入了解我们的本科课程. 如果你去不了达拉斯, meet us on the road when we join the 新大本科招生办公室 at programs in various cities. 我们很高兴见到你! 

请随意 威尼斯人娱乐城 in BBA入学 帮助您计划您的行程.