Audition Requirements

Audition Repertoire Requirements

这张试镜要求清单是为了让你在学习的这一点上展示你的能力和舒适度. 如果您有关于剧目要求的具体问题,请不要犹豫与我们联系.

表演音乐学士,音乐文学学士,辅修音乐候选人: 考生必须使用以下所列的主要乐器进行试音.

Bachelor of Music in Composition candidates: 除了用下面列出的主要乐器进行试镜之外, 考生必须上传PDF乐谱和/或midi录音或现场表演录音形式的原创作品示例. 一篇原创作品可以作为你试镜的一部分. 面试必须与作曲系完成.

音乐教育学士学位和音乐治疗学士学位考生: 除了用下面列出的主要乐器进行试镜之外, 面试必须与音乐教育或音乐治疗学院完成.

Instruments arranged alphabetically

Choose two movements, contrasting in style or period, from the standard concerto and/or recital repertoire; two contrasting orchestral excerpts of the applicant's choice. In addition, 申请人可能会被要求演奏到高C的大调和和声小调音阶.

One etude of Popper, Piatti, Duport, or equivalent work; two movements from a Bach suite; and one movement of a standard concerto.

One movement from a standard recital piece or concerto. One Rose etude of your choice. Two orchestral excerpts.

Two contrasting movements from a concerto or sonata OR two contrasting etudes; three orchestral excerpts.

Solo of choice; two contrasting etudes (i.e. one melodic, one technical); major scales and arpeggios.

1st movement of the Mozart Concerto in G Major; a second piece of your choice that contrasts stylistically with the Mozart concerto.

GUITAR (Classical Guitar)
三件不同风格时期的作品:一件文艺复兴或巴洛克风格的作品, one classic or romantic-era piece, and one modern piece. Recommended: 6 Renaissance Lute Pieces (ed. Chilesotti); Bach suites; Sor 20 Studies (ed. Segovia); Ponce preludes; Brouwer etudes; Villa-Lobos preludes.


  • Berlioz, Symphonie Fantastique harp 1, beginning to rehearsal 23
  • Britten, cadenza from Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra
  • Tchaikovsky, cadenza from the Nutcracker
  • Verdi, Overture to La Forza del Destino

Memorization is encouraged for the solo pieces.

Two contrasting etudes (such as Kopprasch, Kling, or Maxine Alphonse); all major scales in three octaves; three contrasting orchestral excerpts demonstrating high and low horn playing; and one of the 1st movement of the Strauss Horn Concerto No. 1

One Barret Grand Study; two movements of contrasting style from a concerto, sonata, etc.; one orchestral excerpt.

进入管风琴专业一年级的试演应该包括从不同时期选出具有代表性的曲目,以说明候选人在乐器方面的准备水平和专业知识. All first year organ majors must also audition on piano.

Transfer students should include a Baroque piece, a major Bach work, a piece in the romantic style, and a contemporary piece, preferably one demonstrating technical dexterity.

All auditioning organ students must include a complete repertoire list, specification of the organ on which the audition was recorded, when applicable, and a listing of the dates when each work was begun. Bring these to the audition or submit them with the recording.


PERCUSSION — audition on all of the following:

  • Keyboard: One two-mallet etude or solo and one four-mallet etude or solo. 最好,这些作品之一应该是来自小提琴或大提琴组曲的J.S. Bach and one should be modern.
  • Timpani: 古德曼、霍克雷纳或德莱克卢塞用三到四个鼓演奏的练习曲.
  • Snare drum: One rudimental etude from 14 Modern Contest Solos by John S. Pratt, a selected work by Joseph Tompkins or similar; one etude by Cirone, Delecluse or comparable orchestral style etude.

试镜曲目应包括至少三个风格时期的作品. 其中一件必须是巴洛克或古典时期的作品.

  • Undergraduate applicants auditioning for the B.M. 钢琴表演专业的学生应准备一份至少25分钟的熟记曲目,钢琴教师可以在现场试镜时选择其中的曲目. For video recorded auditions, please submit the entire program.
  • Undergraduate applicants auditioning for the B.M. in Music Education, Music Therapy, Composition, the B.A. in Music, 或辅修音乐应至少有15分钟的曲目为现场试镜准备或录制提交(记忆优先).


三首精心准备和对比鲜明的弗林练习曲,展示了你在音乐上的自信和敏捷. 选择一首I类独奏,展示你强大的音乐和技术水平. All major scales from memory are a must.

Solo of choice; two contrasting etudes (i.e. one melodic, one technical); two orchestral excerpts; and major scales and arpeggios.

Two etudes of contrasting styles (not to include UIL etudes); solo of choice (can only be one movement if a concerto or sonata with multiple movements); at least three orchestral excerpts of choice.

All major scales; 1-2 minutes from a solo of applicant's choice; two contrasting etudes from either Blazevich (Book I), Kopprasch or Bordogni (Rochut); and two contrasting orchestral excerpts of an applicant's choice.

Two contrasting movements from JS Bach Six Cello Suites or JS Bach Partitas and Sonatas; one movement from a standard viola concerto (such as - Hoffmeister, Stamitz, Bartok, Walton, 或标准中提琴奏鸣曲(如勃拉姆斯)中的一个乐章, Clarke, Schubert or Shostakovich). Optional: 1-3 orchestral excerpts of your choice.

Three pieces of different styles. One piece may be a caprice or etude.

VOICE  (有兴趣在11月或12月试镜的歌手需要提交一份 pre-screen video by or before November 1. 有兴趣在一月或二月试镜的歌手需要提交一份 pre-screen video by or before December 1.)

预告片应包括两首记忆歌曲:一首英文艺术歌曲, and one aria or art song in a language other than English.

申请者必须凭记忆演唱两首歌曲:一首英文艺术歌曲, and one aria or art song in a language other than English. 申请人可以用他们在筛选前提交的相同作品进行试镜. An accompanist will be provided for on-campus auditions. 试镜时将进行简短的视读练习.