Managing Performance

Managing your team's performance is critical to team, department, division, and the University's success.  首先要让员工的努力符合组织的需求和战略. 制定目标,明确传达这些需求/策略,并定义成功的衡量标准,将确保员工了解对他们的期望以及如何实现目标.  这包括对要做的工作(“做什么”)和行为(“怎么做”)的清晰定义,这些将支持他们成功地达到目标。持续的反馈提供了必要时的认可和方向纠正.  

At SMU, performance management is formally facilitated via the my.SMU system.  

Employees will find their documents under Self Service>Performance Management>Performance Documents.

Managers will find the documents of those who report to them under Manager Self Service>Performance Management>Performance Documents.

注:在每年8月初始文件创建后开始工作的员工将在其就业日期后48小时内创建其文件, assuming complete data is provided and entered in the my.SMU system.  

如果你不能为自己或直接向你汇报的员工查看文件, notify HR.

The Annual Performance Management Cycle 

Once performance documents are created in August of each year, the employee and manager work in the same document within my.SMU to create and define goals, track progress, and host a mid-year check-in session.  In preparation for the annual review, in August of the following year,  绩效文档分为两个单独的文档:员工自我评估和经理评估.  员工和经理完成各自的评估,并会面讨论各自的观点.  然后,经理与员工共享最终的审查文档,以确认审查. Once accepted by the employee, the current annual process is complete and the documents move to  "Historical" vs. "Current" status. 


Concurrent with the annual review in August of each year, 为每位员工创建即将到来的绩效年度的绩效文档.  As the annual review step begins, 员工应将任何未完成的目标复制到下一年的文件中,并在新文件中继续跟踪进度.

Resources for Performance Management


Manager Orientation

新聘用或晋升的经理被要求完成经理入职培训项目. 这些研讨会旨在为人力资源经理提供有关可用资源的信息, IAE, Legal and Risk Management and to identify ways to grow their managerial skills.

Professional Development

Continuous learning is a core value of the University.  Learning new concepts, skills, 此外,与其他管理者建立联系,可以为管理者积累领导优秀团队所需的工具和资源.  职业发展是一种策略,确保管理者在支持团队成员的水平上表现出色.

Providing and Seeking Feedback

主管应该给他们的团队成员定期和及时的反馈,并寻求他们如何成为更好的团队管理者的反馈. A good way to do this is to have regular 1-1 meetings with team members. 这为管理者提供了一个在一致的基础上给予和接受反馈的机会.

Great managers consistently seek feedback for themselves from their supervisors, colleagues, and team members. This type of information can enable managers to work more effectively with everyone, even team members under their supervision. 成功的管理者认识到,灵活运用他们的管理风格来促进团队成员的最佳表现可能是必要的,因为“一刀切”的心态通常最多只能产生一般的结果.

In addition, 大学要求管理人员通过绩效管理系统提供正式的反馈 my.SMU.  新员工入职后,经理应在入职90天内完成试用期考核. Check the links to the right for additional information about performance reviews.

Tools for Providing Recognition

想要留住优秀员工并激励他人的管理者需要了解新大可用的工具. 如果管理者只从预算的角度来考虑员工的认可,他们可能会忽略认可的一个关键方面.  认可可能很简单,就像一次简短的谈话,经理在谈话中确定具体的成就或行为及其影响, followed by a sincere expression of thanks.

According to the Gallup organization, 员工离开公司的首要原因是与经理关系不佳. Getting to know your employees, understanding what motivates (or de-motivates) them, knowing how they want to develop, 为他们提供机会,让他们发挥自己的激情,这些都是认可策略. 

如果团队成员一直表现优异,管理者可能希望提名他们为各种员工表彰奖之一,或者安排他们的绩效分配,以便他们能够更有效地表彰出色的表现,并给予更高的绩效加薪. 管理人员也有很好的机会通过服务奖计划来表彰服务时间较长的员工.

When An Employee Has Performance Issues

需要解决绩效问题的经理应该设法了解常见的绩效问题类型,然后在与员工一起解决问题之前调查情况. Human Resources offers two Manager Orientation classes, "Managing and Coaching fo High Performance," and "Employee Relations Essentials," at various times during the year. 这两门课程帮助管理人员练习重要的指导技巧,并加深对大学正式渐进纪律流程的理解. 管理者必须首先完成培训课程,因为大多数绩效问题最好通过有效的培训来解决.
