• Eva Russo, Virtual Elementary / Middle School Student


    She is quick-thinking, decisive and enjoys being challenged with new concepts and ideas. Ava is extroverted and loves taking the lead, but can at times take her natural dominance to an unproductive level.

    - Dislikes catering to others’ needs
    - Struggles to recognize her own feelings


  • Dev Kapor, Virtual Elementary / Middle School Student


    Dev is a rule follower, who is self-driven with high personal standards. He is usually relaxed and friendly, but at times can be unknowingly insensitive to others' feelings.

    - enjoys working through a challenge
    - His intellectualism can alienate him from his classmates
    - Can become elevated/excited around topics he is passionate about
    - Takes assignments seriously

    - Rockets (is in Rocket Club at school)

  • 伊桑Mullen-Hardy, Virtual Elementary / Middle School Student


    他是一个爱冒险的学习者, willing to step out of his comfort zone and understand new perspectives. Ethan is an extrovert who loves to make others laugh.

    - His outgoing personality tends to comfort shy students
    - His ‘class clown’ antics can at times be disruptive to the class
    - Highly intelligent, especially in subjects that interest him


  • 茉莉花沃克, Virtual Elementary / Middle School Student


    She is an intuitive learner who likes to look at big ideas, patterns, and relationships. Jasmine is an empathic introvert who prefers the familiar.

    - Ever the optimist, she sees the best in everyone
    - She is overly eager to please and share
    - Avoids conflict at all costs

    - Social issues: the environment, world peace

  • 萨凡纳博伊德, Virtual Elementary / Middle School Student


    Savannah has a strong mind for details and has excellent analytical ability. She tends to be introverted and may struggle to connect socially with her classmates, 但她是忠诚和善良的.

    - Secretly hates feeling left out or overlooked
    - Will stand up for herself but picks her battles carefully
    - Excellent data and memory recall

    - Plays volleyball at the school
    - Plays on a trivia team with her family