
保单号码: 1.13

政策部分: 机构事务

修订日期: 2019年1月2日

1.  政策声明

南威尼斯人娱乐城 shall maintain an 校际体育 mission statement that reflects the University’s mission and academic values, and shall establish standards of behavior for 教练 and student athletes appropriate to their positions as representatives of the University. These standards will be upheld through normal University disciplinary 程序 and, 适当的, 地方和州的程序.

2.  问责制

The Athletics Department shall provide information concerning standards of accountability and benchmarks to the President and the Board. The Department will report on their success in meeting those standards.

3. 合规

It is the responsibility of the University and the Athletics Department to create a climate of compliance with NCAA (“National Collegiate Athletic Association”), 会议, and Institutional rules regarding the operation of the University’s 校际体育 Program. In furtherance of this responsibility, the University and the Athletics Department shall:

  1. Ensure that the Athletics Department is complying with provisions concerning gender equity and compliance with Title IX.
  2. Report NCAA violations to the President according to established 程序 and shall advise the Board in a timely manner of any matter which bears materially on the integrity of the University’s 校际体育 Program.

4.  监督:董事会

校董会, as the fiduciary body for 南威尼斯人娱乐城, carries out its oversight through the following specific actions:

  1. Delegating administrative oversight responsibility for intercollegiate athletics to the Office of the President and lending its full and public support to the President in the execution of his/her duties.
  2. 批准, 与总统会面, standards of accountability and benchmarks against which to measure the performance of the 校际体育 Program.
  3. Holding the President accountable for the execution of those duties assigned under this Policy, and assessing presidential performance during periodic reviews.
  4. 回顾 and approving the athletics budget as part of the regular institutional budget process, 包括收入, 支出, and 补偿 程序 for athletic director and 教练, 礼品政策, in keeping 与董事会合作’s overall responsibility as financial stewards of the institution.
  5. 回顾 and approving an Athletics Department mission statement that reflects the University’s mission and academic values.
  6. Including in new board member orientation a review of policies pertaining to athletics.
  7. Promoting the full integration of the Athletics Department into the administrative structure of the University by working 与总统会面 and Athletics Department.
  8. Periodically, conducting a review of governance policies related to intercollegiate athletics.

5.  监督:总统

总统, with authority and responsibility vested by the 南威尼斯人娱乐城 Board of Trustees, oversees the 校际体育 Program through the following specific actions:

  1. Exercising oversight for the conduct and control of the Athletics Department, 包括所有人事决定(招聘), 发射, 补偿, 等.), 企业合作伙伴, 电视合同, 助推器俱乐部, 以及附属机构, 包括他们的私人筹款活动.
  2. Setting appropriate standards of accountability and benchmarks against which to measure the success of the 校际体育 Program. 标准和基准应该包括财务, 招生, 学生运动员的健康, 学术顾问, 毕业率, 设施, capital 支出 and conflict-of interest policies.
  3. 建立和坚持, 教职员工和行政人员, academic and eligibility standards for student-athletes that reflect the institution’s academic values and mission.
  4. Communicating to the Board of Trustees on his or her fulfillment of responsibilities as they relate to agreed-upon goals, standards and benchmarks of the 校际体育 Program.
  5. 回顾, 与董事会合作, the NCAA institutional self-study and certification process and the institution’s compliance with Title IX provisions concerning gender equity, as well as departmental compliance with any laws and regulations to which the institution is subject.
  6. 直接或间接与董事会沟通, 教练, 管理员, 学生, 教师, boosters and alumni concerning: compliance with institutional, conference and NCAA rules and regulations; the mission, values and goals of the Athletics Department; appropriate stewardship of and contact with donors and 学生; and the acceptance of benefits from the Athletics Department.

6. Department Administrative Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines

The Department of Athletics shall promulgate 程序 and guidelines pursuit to this policy, 包括体育部门手册.

修改后: 2019年1月2日

采用: 2011年12月2日

The official 大学政策手册 is housed in the Office of the University Secretary. The University Secretary is responsible for maintaining new and updated policies and for maintaining this website. Should the official 大学政策手册 conflict with any internal policies, 程序, 部门管理规章, 或指导方针, 这可能包含在学校提供的手册中, 部门, 或大学内部的部门, 官方的大学政策手册控制.